
Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Juxtaposition is placing two kinds of variables in order to compare them so that our brain can relate both of them to make something familiar to unfamiliar or vice versa.

We were asked to pick 3 pairs of numbers from 1 to 99 and pair these words below with the number that we have picked

1. FLOWER                                         0. HEAD
2. LIGHTNING                                    9. RAIN
3. ICE                                                  8. WOOD
4. LIGHT                                             7. TREE
5. FIRE                                                6. SPIDER
6. DUCK                                              5. ROOT
7. DOG                                                4. MOUNTAIN
8. OIL                                                  3. WIND
9. LEAVE                                            2. ROCK
0. FLY                                                 1. WATER

I picked 07, 54, 19

Fly tree
Fire Mountain
Flower Rain


1. I always fly to class using a tree.
2. I use fire to light up the mountain.
3. The flower was showered by the rain.


Fly Tree

Fire Mountain

Flower Rain

Merges Go Wrong!

We have to combine two different types of animal. The two combined animals must not have a chance of survival. So i combined a fish and a cat. Here's the result:


This animal will not survive because a fish can only live in water while a cat lives on land and doesn't like water. Another factor is that- a fish is a cat's food so this combined animal will probably eat itself XD

Expressions of love.....with chili!

I'm not the kind of person who is very poetic. I have written lyrics about love before but never anything associated with chili! XD So here's my best attempt of expressing my love relating with chili..

Like a chili
You spice things up in my life
You let the heat
Burn from my head 'til my feet

Every time we touch
I know i can't have too much
But it's like never before
Left me wanting for more

Your hotness fires up my soul
That's how my heart you stole
Though sometimes you made me cry
Won't be a reason to say goodbye

Hahahaha.. this could even be a song! XDDD

Mind map!!

This is me. It's the first time anyone has ever tried to draw me haha. Although it doesn't look exactly like me but the characteristics of the drawing is quite accurate :)

My good/crazy friend Fatin Amirah drew this. Credit goes to Miss Fafa! She drew the guitar as if its a part of my body which is a good interpretation of me being one with the music. The name "Mira Metalson" is sorta like a stage name that i use as a guitarist.

She also had to do a mind map about me! Here it is:

Mira Metalson: This is my stage name as a guitarist.

Music: I am a musician so music is all around me!

Car: I drive a car to class everyday.

Facebook>hacked>brother: An incident that happened before, my brother hacked my facebook account, he posted a status saying that i love hip hop n rap.. WHEN I DONT!!

Guitar: I play guitar! and has been playing since i was 10.

Rock: I am a rock chick! I dont like pop, modern, techno, rap songs.

Hell yeah>hail: Words that i often use.

Black: I wear black clothes most of the time. 

Taylor Swift>fifteen: A song that i was talking about with Fatin earlier before she made this mind map.

Army cap: I sometimes wear a cap and the cap i wear is really an army cap. Sergeant Something gave it to my dad but i wear it more often than he does.

Simba: She is my beloved cat!! :3

Mix British: I am mix British from my father's side. So yeah, i speak English with an English accent.

Nokia: At the time when she made this mind map i was using a Nokia handphone. I recently got a new phone though, don't use Nokia anymore.

THAT'S IT!!! :)

Mortar and Pestle

What's a "mortar and pestle"?? Well this is a mortar and pestle...


That thing that looks like a bowl is the mortar and that small thingy is the pestle. A mortar and pestle is a tool to crush, grind and mix solid substances.

...but, since i am a creative student, a mortar and pestle have many other creative use than just crushing, grinding and mixing solid substances. Okay, It's time to let my mind run free...

#1. Hair Styling
"I feel preetayyyyyyy!!"

The mortar and pestle can be used as a hair styling tool. The mortar is placed on the head to get the hair flatten while the pestle is used to curl the hair to get beautiful curly hair. So we can get straight/flatten hair on top and some curls at the end of the hair.

#2. Bell

The mortar and pestle can also be something like a bell. Tie the pestle inside the mortar and leave it hanging vertically. Then, tie the mortar at any place you want. To use it, just simply knock the pestle on the mortar. A sound will be produced.

#3. Weapon and Helmet
"If you want peace,
 prepare for war!!"

The mortar and pestle can be used in combat. At the height of war, when it comes to close range combat, the pestle is known to be one of the best weapons to be used. The mortar is a very effective helmet which protects the head. This has been scientifically proven by scientists around the world.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


If we need to find out about something, and asking people around us is no help at all..what do we do? we GOOGLE it! Yes, google has become a noun lately. Anything we need to know we just "google" it and --voilà!-- the answers are right in front of our eyes!

But there are still some people who don't know what google is. Doesn't own a computer, probably? Google is a search engine created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in California.

While conventional search engines ranked results by counting how many times the search terms appeared on the page, the two theorized about a better system that analyzed the relationships between websites. They called this new technology "PageRank", where a website's relevance was determined by the number of pages, and the importance of those pages, that linked back to the original site.

Page and Brin originally nicknamed their new search engine "BackRub", because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site.

Eventually, they changed the name to Google, originating from a misspelling of the word "googol", the number one followed by one hundred zeros, which was meant to signify the amount of information the search engine was to handle. Originally, Google ran under the Stanford University website, with the domain

The domain name for Google was registered on September 15, 1997, and the company was incorporated on September 4, 1998. It was based in a friend's (Susan Wojcicki) garage in Menlo Park, California. Craig Silverstein, a fellow Ph.D. student at Stanford, was hired as the first employee.

Google's original homepage had a simple design since its founders were not experienced in HTML, the language for designing web pages.

In 2010, Google updated its homepage with a new brighter logo.

Larry Page was born into a Jewish family in East Lansing, Michigan. His parents were computer science professors at Michigan State University. During an interview, Page said that "their house was usually a mess, with computers and Popular Science magazines all over the place." His attraction to computers started when he was six years old when he got to "play with the stuff lying around." He became the "first kid in his elementary school to turn in an assignment from a word processor." His older brother also taught him to take things apart, and before long he was taking "everything in his house apart to see how it worked." He said,"From a very early age, I also realized I wanted to invent things. So I became really interested in technology...and business. So probably from when I was 12, I knew I was going to start a company eventually."

Page attended the Okemos Montessori School (now called Montessori Radmoor) in Okemos, Michigan from 1975 to 1979, and graduated from East Lansing High School (1991). He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in computer engineering from the University of Michigan with honours and a Masters degree in computer science from Stanford University. While at the University of Michigan, "Page created an inkjet printer made of Lego bricks" (actually a line plotter), served as the president of the HKN in Fall 1994, and was a member of the solar car team.

After enrolling for a Ph.D. program in computer science at Stanford University, Larry Page was in search of a dissertation theme and considered exploring the mathematical properties of the World Wide Web, understanding its link structure as a hugegraph. His supervisor Terry Winograd encouraged him to pursue this idea, which Page later recalled as "the best advice I ever got". Page then focused on the problem of finding out which web pages link to a given page, considering the number and nature of such backlinks to be valuable information about that page (with the role of citations in academic publishing in mind). In his research project, nicknamed "BackRub", he was soon joined by Sergey Brin, a fellow Stanford Ph.D. student.

John Battelle, co-founder of Wired magazine, wrote of Page that he had reasoned that the "entire Web was loosely based on the premise of citation – after all, what is a link but a citation? If he could devise a method to count and qualify each backlink on the Web, as Page puts it 'the Web would become a more valuable place'."

Brin and Page originally met in March 1995, during a spring orientation of new computer Ph.D. candidates. Brin, who had already been in the program for two years, was assigned to show some students, including Page, around campus, and they later became good friends.

To convert the backlink data gathered by BackRub's web crawler into a measure of importance for a given web page, Brin and Page developed the PageRank algorithm, and realized that it could be used to build a search engine far superior to existing ones. It relied on a new kind of technology that analyzed the relevance of the back links that connected one Web page to another. In August 1996, the initial version of Google was made available, still on the Stanford University Web site.


Sergey Brin is the cofounder of the Google search engine. He and fellow Stanford University student Larry Page worked together on a project while doing a Ph.D. in Computer Science. The Pair left their studies to focus on developing the Google search engine. Sergey Brin and his partner Larry Page went on to become two of the wealthiest young entrepreneurs in America with the success of their university project, Google.

Sergey Mihailovich Brin was born in Moscow, Russia in 1973. The Brin family moved from Russia to the United States of American in 1979 when Sergey was 5 years of age. His father gained work as a mathematics professor at the University of Maryland and his mother went on to work at NASA. 

Brin grew up fascinated by computers and had one from a very early age, when home computers were not common in households (Commodore 64 days). He went on to receive a bachelor of science degree at the University of Maryland, with honors in mathematics and computer science in 1993. Brin then went on to start his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Stanford University.

While studying for his Ph.D he met Lawrence Page and went on to work with on a project to organize the Internet and improve the way people search for information. They first nicknamed the project "BackRub" as it relied heavily on the number and relevancy of links pointing to a website (later called PageRank).

"Research on the Web seems to be fashionable these days and I guess I'm no exception. Recently I have been working on the Google search engine with Larry Page." Sergey Brin Quote

Brin and Page left their studies at Stanford University and started Google Inc. in 1998. The popularity of the search engine increased dramatically, forcing the company to constantly expand its computing power, improve its technology, and move to bigger premises (now situated at the "Googleplex" in Mountain View, California). The company became a publicly traded company in 2004 (traded on the NASDAQ as GOOG) with individual shares being valued at $85 each and quickly rose to $100+ in the first day of trading. Google has continued to grow through acquiring and creating new Internet services and products online. The stock price also grew rapidly to more than $420 per share at the end of November in 2005.

"Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. We believe that the most effective, and ultimately the most profitable, way to accomplish our mission is to put the needs of our users first. We have found that offering a high-quality user experience leads to increased traffic and strong word-of-mouth promotion." SEC Filing of Google

Sergey Brin and Larry Page shared 16th position on the Richest Americans list released by the Forbes business magazine in 2005, having an estimated $11 billion USD each. 

Brin remains active in the company with the role of the president of Technology.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What is creativity?

What is creativity? Or as Master Yoda might ask.. Creativity, what is? One thing is for sure is that if you ask anyone this question, most of them will give you almost the same answer and the answers will have one thing in common. It will have a word that starts with a "B" and ends with a "X". What is it? BOX!! Almost everyone's answer will contain the word "BOX". Common answers: "Creativity is the ability to think outside the box", "Creativity is when you dont stay inside the same box as everyone else".

Hmmm.. well lets take a look at what the geeks at wikipedia have to say about creativity.

Okay, so according to the geeks at wikipedia:

Creativity refers to the phenomenon whereby a person creates something new (a product, a solution, a work of art etc.) which has some kind of value. What counts as "new" may be in reference to the individual creator, or to the society or domain within which the novelty occurs. What counts as "valuable" is similarly defined in a variety of ways.

Alrighty, here's what i think what creativity is all about(since my opinion matters the most! haha) CREATIVITY IS ABOUT BREAKING THE RULES, TAKING RISKS AND CREATING SOMETHING THAT NO ELSE CAN THINK OF. me is creativity.

What did i mean when i said "CREATIVITY IS ABOUT BREAKING THE RULES"? Example, a computer keyboard is used to type text and numbers into a word processor, text editor or other programs.

This is a keyboard:

...but this is a bag made out of keyboard buttons!

Breaking the rules by using keyboard buttons to make a bag! Now thats creative!

Okay.. but wait! what did i mean by "TAKING RISKS"? Some people say that they're not creative is merely because they're are afraid to be criticized, afraid of making mistakes and not allowing themselves the sense of playfulness. DONT BE AFRAID TO TAKE RISKS! Dont be afraid of what people might say about your work, because there are no right or wrong in creativity!

"CREATING SOMETHING THAT NO ELSE CAN THINK OF". Creating something that no one can think of. Just like how Steve Jobs created the Apple Mac, no one could think of anything like it before he did.

So this is an acoustic guitar:

...but this is an acoustic guitar with 42 strings!! Oh god image tuning those strings!! O.O

I swear to god that this is not a photoshop work! Dont believe me? Check out this video of Pat Metheny playing this guitar!!

So now you know that you dont need to be a genius to be creative. Creativity is in our blood! You just got to BREAK THE RULES and TAKE SOME RISKS!!

P/s: But please dont break the safety rules of the road. Dont go ignoring the red light and say that you're creative!


First, let me introduce myself. My name is Amirah Farhanah Binti Daud Ahmad. 18 years old. Student ID number 1102700149. I was born in Ipoh, Perak but lived most of my life in Selangor.

This blog is created for the Creative Studies subject that i'm taking in this second trimester. Enjoy reading! :)