
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mind map!!

This is me. It's the first time anyone has ever tried to draw me haha. Although it doesn't look exactly like me but the characteristics of the drawing is quite accurate :)

My good/crazy friend Fatin Amirah drew this. Credit goes to Miss Fafa! She drew the guitar as if its a part of my body which is a good interpretation of me being one with the music. The name "Mira Metalson" is sorta like a stage name that i use as a guitarist.

She also had to do a mind map about me! Here it is:

Mira Metalson: This is my stage name as a guitarist.

Music: I am a musician so music is all around me!

Car: I drive a car to class everyday.

Facebook>hacked>brother: An incident that happened before, my brother hacked my facebook account, he posted a status saying that i love hip hop n rap.. WHEN I DONT!!

Guitar: I play guitar! and has been playing since i was 10.

Rock: I am a rock chick! I dont like pop, modern, techno, rap songs.

Hell yeah>hail: Words that i often use.

Black: I wear black clothes most of the time. 

Taylor Swift>fifteen: A song that i was talking about with Fatin earlier before she made this mind map.

Army cap: I sometimes wear a cap and the cap i wear is really an army cap. Sergeant Something gave it to my dad but i wear it more often than he does.

Simba: She is my beloved cat!! :3

Mix British: I am mix British from my father's side. So yeah, i speak English with an English accent.

Nokia: At the time when she made this mind map i was using a Nokia handphone. I recently got a new phone though, don't use Nokia anymore.

THAT'S IT!!! :)

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